Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Editorial: THE NEAL-SCOTT NETWORK FOR PROFIT helps architect BRIDGE CORPUS CHRISTI (a frontgroup for the power elite) and also take over the LEADERSHIP CORPUS CHRITI project (at the Chamber of Commerce)

Nueces County/Corpus Christi, TX -- There are several projects which the NEAL-SCOTT NETWORK has benefitted both financially and personally. These projects are cloaked under the guise of GOVERNMENT-CORPORATE BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS (and the Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation (CCREDC) is more often than not involved). Their fingerprints are everywhere -- from the City of Corpus Christi to the Del Mar Board College of Regeants to the Del Mar Foundation to the Chamber of Commerce to the Regional Transit Authority to Nueces County – they have left their uninviting blotch.

The CORPUS CHRISI REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (CCREDC) working adamantly close with the NEAL-SCOTT NEWORK are creating a front group-type of organization known as “BRIDGE CORPUS CHRISTI.” This stack-horsing ruse -- “ BRIDGE CORPUS CHIRSTI” -- is a new project masterminded by the CCEDC group with the assistance of the NEAL-SCOTT NETWORK. It’s unwritten role is to fundamentally advocate and lobby for "THINK BIG BUSINESS" PROJECTS being pushed by CCREDC and the NEAL-SCOTT NETWORK in the region. Who do you think will sit on the board? It does not take a genius to figure out that one …. COUNTY JUDGE LOYD Neal and friends.

But at the moment there is one other organization that deserves immediate attention. This new development has gone unnoticed -- the TAKE-OVER of the LEADERSHIP CORPUS CHRISTI program by the Neal-Scott NETWORK. Let's get specific.

To train visionary leaders for higher level leadership roles in the community” – this is the main “written” objective of LEADERSHIP CORPUS CHRISTI, but this intent has been lost. This organization now has an “unwritten” objective -- ? (We will let you fill in the blank at the end of this report).

The Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce now has placed this highly esteemed program (to iterate, known as LEADERSHIP CORPUS CHRISTI) in the hands of bad role models and an organized self-serving power clique. The new President & CEO of the Chamber, Foster Edwards, has irresponsiblty given in to the pressure of the NEAL-SCOTT NETWORK faction. THE PROOF: Both the close business associates and friends suggested by the SCOTTS to sit on the committee of LEADERSHIP CORPUS CHRISTI have been appointed (Carol Scott’s business-partner Debbie Wingfield – of KAILO COMMUNICATION; James Duerr – Carol Scott’s former business partner and intimate friend & failed candidate for U.S. Representative; Scott Elliff – Superintendent of CCISD – who Carol Scott while as chairman of the CCISD Board of Trustees was instrumental in hiring him at the top post at CCISD; and a few others).; the latter members appointed comprise the majority on the board. One of the members appointed to the committee (who was in the minority) resigned in protest and voiced him disapproval to Chamber President Edwards: “I am resigning from the board of LEADERSHIP CORPUS CHRISTI because I feel that Mark/Carol Scott are not good examples of what business leadership should be in this community. They’ve made a living of our tax-dollars and have made a cottage industry of it.”

“Leadership Corpus Christi supposedly coaches the membership to be the future leaders of the city and the region. To have the SCOTTS (who have a mucky reputation in business-government dealings) as the major influence or model for Leadership Corpus Christi is an injurious precedent,” another insider stated. “I shared my concern also with Chamber President Edwards – but I could tell that this NETWORK has him cornered. If he doesn’t go along, he will not be around (in his administrative post) to play along.”

To back track. Before Edwards was appointed Chamber President, Terry Carter headed the organization. However, when he decided to return to the initial aims of the organization of helping small business stay afloat and additionally giving them a responsible voice, he was ostracized. He also emphasized that the self-serving portly deals by a few insiders of this cited canoonery within the organization needed to be meat-axed without delay. There was a backlash within the chamber. Carter was targeted by the Loyd Neal-Scott Network.

Carter soon after filed a lawsuit in March 2008 against the chamber, current and several former board members, the Caller-Times and others claiming they circulated bogus statements about him and the chamber’s finances during his occupancy. He further claimed those actions were taken by a NETWORK to cause him to lose his position with the chamber. Carol Scott, was a primary variable, who led the charge to have a walkout of prominent corporate members from the chamber – which caused extended damage to the organization. It is still trying to recover from it. It seems absurd to have LEADERSHIP CORPUS CHRISTI modeled and influenced by this self-serving political couple.

Carter filed a lawsuit in March 2008 against the chamber, current and several former board members, the Caller-Times and others claiming they disseminated false statements about him and the chamber’s finances during his tenure. He further claims those actions caused him to lose his employment with the chamber.

To return to the core of the matter. A local poltiical observer injected: “Leadership Corpus Christi being taken over by the NEAL-SCOTT NETWORK sends the wrong message to the community at this phase. The overall business culture of the community is one more in tune with the norms of fiscal responsibility and small government and one that is demanding less government-corporate relationships. This couple has made a living exploiting their public posts for personal gain… To amplify my point: It is like putting a child molester in charge of a daycare facility.”

Carol Scott, as mentioned, serves on the Corpus Christi School Board of Trusees and represents Las Brisas Energy as their representative face. She has also used her post at CCISD as a school board member to take positions in favor of Las Brias. CCISD's buses and resources have been used in the TV commercials and marketing projects her company -- KAILO -- has put together. Ethically she cannot exploit the use of her public office and resources in such a manner - it violates the code of her post. As for her Carol’s husband, Mark Scott, who sits in the city council, recently voted to support Las Brisas Energy project – which many in the council and community perceived as a clear conflict of interest; however, he did get newly appointed city attorney, Carlos Valdez, provided him with a quasi-legal basis for his actions.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Loyd Neal versus Ron Mclain:“Big Government” vs. “Small Government” Factions

The Nueces County Republicans have drawn a line in the sand. The choice is clear: Either CCREDC’s/LOYD NEAL’S BIG GOVERNMENT AGENDAS and PARTNERSHIPS, or RON MCLAIN’S SMALL GOVERNMENT and LIMITED GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION. What are the ideological differences between Loyd Neal (who is referred to as the “Unofficial Chair” of the Republican Party) and Ron McLain (the “Official Chair” of the Republican Party)?

Nueces County, TX – A tumultuous whirlwind hit the Republican Party in Nueces County in the last election. The Republicans elected a “non-Establishment”, Ron Paul-type Libertarian candidate, Ron McLain, as Chairman of the party – defeating Mike Bergsma (the candidate for the “Establishment” Republicans – Bergsma was part of a faction obsessed with the LOYD NEAL NETWORK OF Government-Corporate Partnerships).


Why does the triumph of the “unconventional” candidate, McLain, who was elected chair represent? Is it just a sign of the times or are there practical reasons for this occurance? For one, McLain’s victory mirrors the dissatifaction with the culture of regional “empire-building” by a NETWORK FOR PROFIT – i.e., an elite power group in town that operates pretty much under the radar and has made a cottage industry by using tax-payer dollars – some specialists have said it has made it’s home in the main board of directors in the Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation (CCREDC). (To get a glimpse at their website visit http://WWW.CCREDC.COM ) … The McLain-Libertarian Republicans also feel that the “Establishment” Republicans have for the most part kept the masses of conservatives in the area “THINKING BIG (Government/Corporate Partnerships) AND in return GETTING A POOR RETURN – and yawning debt.”

Some McLain supporters have dispelled many a myth flowing around that corporate business employs the majority of the jobs, when in fact it is small business that should be credited for creating over 75% of the jobs that exist in Corpus Christi and the county.

Another factor that many Republicans draw attention to as having voted for the “non-traditional” McLain instead of the “establishment” Bergsma is the perception that the rules that govern how the delegates are chosen to to attend the Republicans Coventions is shady and pre-determined by “insiders.” The latter source added: "Several others and myself participated in this lawsuit because even though we were rightfully elected delegates, we were replaced by ineligible delegates. Bertuzzi made up the list."

A person who was appointed to the RULES COMMITTEE by former chairman Mike Bertuzzi, which is believed to pacify the Ron Paul Republicans, and so as to make it look "inclusive" said: “I got out-voted 5-1. It was a setup. They had decided what the rules were and I was either with them or not. It seems this ‘Establishment’ Republicans will not change until they die.”

Why has this “Establishment” elite with a nexus to Corporate and Bureaucratic Politico agendas that was founded and masterminded in the 1970s by the late Political Boss Hayden Head Sr., a lawyer who never ran for office, be still around? It was both resurrected and institutionalized under the mayoral regime of Loyd Neal for the most part. Why would it not want to remain operating in “smoke-filled back rooms?” “The answer: Financial reasons! The city had become more centralized. The elite machine, once led by Hayden Head Sr., had regrouped and found sly, creative ways of using tax-dollars in the name of the codewords ‘Economic Development’ to both justify and foster its endurance. Neal as mayor was their man to make it happen,” one insider shared. “Neal while as Mayor had spearheaded the effort to hire the CCREDC to decide where business was going to locate as well as be in charge of maintaining existing business and reeling in new business into the area. The majority of the board of directors that sit on the CCREDC were appointed via corporate memberships, the minorities were appointed by the city, port commissioner, and the County Commissioners. Even the city manager would sit on it, but not have a vote, and would educate them on sensitive issues and share fiduciary information yet was not allowed to vote. In short: they would know be privvy to the major insights of the major financial investments and of new industry location. ”

Neal while mayor had, according to his critics such as the Corpus Christi Taxpayers Association, created another “City Council” (but not one elected by the people). Most of the contracts of the city projects would end up in the hands of the For-Profit Corporate entities being represented on the CCREDC .

Neal, who served four terms as Mayor of Corpus Christi (1997-2005), would go on to be the first Republican elected to County Judge in over 140 years (Note: Neal was recruited into the Republican Party because he could bring his Democratic Party connections to rally a victory). He was elected County Judge in the November 2006 General Election and took office January 2nd, 2007.

A McLain supporter insighted: “One has to keep in mind that technocrats who run the city and county or any other government entity are not really loyal to any party. Their overall view is that they can work with any administration despite their political leanings as long as they can be free to accomplish their devious ends. A technocrat is a person that specializes in understanding the system and uses that knowledge not only to help a public official function in his/her role but to manipuate him/her and the sytem to accomplish his/her own ends.”

THE FOE: Why Would the “THINK BIG” (Government) Project sponsored by the CCREDC & the LOYD NEAL NETWORK- FOR- PROFIT be the PROBLEM, the ENEMY for many RON PAUL-TYPE LIBERTARIANS? As a McLain supporter put it: “I think it is clear we are for honoring the principle of decentralism, local rule, private property and minimal bureaucracy.”

The criticism of the CCREDC is that it serves as an engine to promote “Think Big (government)” for the benefit of a clique who controls the board of directors; it is about “promoting bonds and loans and certificates of obligations so they, corporate magnates, have income rolling in perenntially . I have not seen a clear instance of where they brought in outside business to bankroom the projects”. The CCREDC is sort of a “shadow government” (it has been described by insiders who are privvy to this world as sort of a “small military industrial complex” : that is, much like a “hidden” regional government that puppeteers to unwieldy degree the day-in and day-out schema of economic projects by the city council and the County Commisioners and the Port Of Corpus Christi and a few other entities).

“It is a club of rich corporate investors that have teamed up with politicians to corner the socio-economic market. This elite club has ‘inside information’ critical to future of the region – the mayor, the city manager, the Nueces County Judge, Port Commissioners sit on it but are outnumbered by the Corporate membership. This club has been institutionalized and is known as the CORPUS CHRISTI REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,” a RON MCLAIN-LIBERTARIAN shared his view.

To backtrack: In late 1990s Loyd Neal, who made his living by working for an insurance company,after being elected mayor resurrected the “Think Big” movement. It was nothing more than a new marketing verson of GOVERNMENT-CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPS in place. Why? Because he was integrated with a team of political bureaucrats and corporate lobbyists that wanted to maximize their returns. This government-corporate partnership or joint-venture became the motor that was interfacing him with lucratic business.

The Neal Network had been established and served a functional role for Corporate business. It was the one, for the most part, bankrolling him to power to execute an agenda. Before Neal was elected mayor, the Tax-Payer Association (under the leadership of Joe O’Brien) had done a good job in exposing both its “Big Government” and “Big Corporate Interest” agenda. The voters had phased it out into diverse groups in past administrations. Bond dollars to feed this liaison had been closely monitored.

The question being asked by many a Republican now is: Is the NEAL NETWORK a good fit for Reagan Republicans, Paleo Conservatives and the Ron Paul Libertarians? The reoccurring answer: “No! We are about small government and limited government interference and against fascist GOVERNMENT-CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPS.”

Another Libertarian responded: “Neal’s Government-Corporate Partnerships projects such as the American Bank Center, Whataburger Field, and Packery Channel have been a flop. They were funded by tax-payer dollars and not by outside private investment dollars. The tax-payers were enticed by the Neal Network for Profit to support bonds and certificates of obligations (and even cost-overruns made by Neal’s Corporate buddies)… Did you know the Americsan Bank Center is losing over a million dollars annually? NEAL promised net-gains, not major loses.”

Another Libertarian concluded: “There is a world of difference between Neal and McLain. I know Conservative Talk Radio's Jim Lago did bring in his verbal hit team and called us Ron Paul Libertarians both 'infiltrators' and 'radicals' in the party; but consider whom Lago's wife works for - CCREDC; consider the other critics' links to the CCREDC..... I think the line has been drawn in the sand and will be reflected in the upcoming November Election... If Neal is returned to office in November, we will continue to be belittled, but if he is ousted, we will be able to breathe again and hopefully be able to bring back the party to what it originally stood for - small government, free markets, freedom.”

Friday, May 21, 2010


Nueces County, TX – This past week El Defenzor visited with J.C. Gonzalez, III, mid-30s, a native of Robstown who currently works for a prominent attorney in Corpus Christi – Jerry J. Trevino -- to ASK HIM WHO HE CONSIDER TO BE HIS ROLE MODEL? A second aim: To get a foretaste of his generation’s take on who has impacted their life as a reference person. J.C. the III (3rd), has been instrumental in creating a social network that has greatly influence his business ventures and socio-political status. He has a business and social acumen that has helped him climb the job stepladder.

J.C. (III) – pleasant, amicable and nimble-minded -- pointed out that his grandfather has ahd a huge impact in his entire family and many other persons in Robstown, Texas and the surrounding area. His late grandfather – J. CRUZ GONAZALEZ, Jr. -- a short, pleasantly plump yet gutsy man, was a noted trailbrazer. J.C. (III)’s grandpa (J. CRUZ GONZALEZ, Jr.) was both a businessman and one of the first Hispanic Councilpersons and an former mayor, and historical community activist; he was a powerful voice in economic development.

J.C.’s grandpa despite his humble beginnings, opened a grocery store on Lincoln Street, but was able to come up with a recipe for establishing name recognization that is difficult to counterpart (especially during those days). His Grandpa’s store would become one of the most popular informal meetings for activists in politics and economic development. His grandpa even to this day lives on as folk hero in the native community of Robstown – he was charismatic and help boost the spirit and the socio-psychology of the people, especially those who stemmed from humble beginnings.

J.C. (III)’s father was J.C. II – he died a few years ago. J.C.(III)’s father was a down-to-earth man that despite having his occupational career had a daily link to his dad’s activisties at the cited store which was known as CRUZ GONAZALEZ JR. GROCERY STORE which was located on Lincoln Avenue (the store is now defunct). The store, which emerged historically in a segregated community known as CASA BLANCA, also served other functions. It was a daily orbit of interactional discussion to decryptic and make collective make sense of many a political, social or educational issue of the day. It was a natural institution. This palce had a distinctive creative aura – if anyone wanted to get elected or push a cause: this was the catalyst.

Now J.C. (III) is trying to see how he can use the business and socio-political knowledge that has been passed via family to help him expand his social networking enterprise in 2010. “On a daily basis I get flashbacks of when I used to work at the store on Lincoln, remembering the discussions, how a better life can be crafted. I’ve realized that many of the principles my father and grandpa used were still applicable today; however, they just need to be applied realistically in our modern day. Who know I might put together a manual of some of the bullet points that I feel need to be followed for personal success.”

J.C. III added: “Why is my grandpa and the efforts of my father so important in my realm of work? Let me put it simply – it is a spiritual connection. One have a positive historical link to where he comes from: it boost my self-esteem as well as reminds me of the long struggle, the struggle from humble beginnings to get to where I am. I have a name – J.C. – that has been in the family for quite a while. Why were we named J.C.-es…? Because I feel each J.C. will be a measure of where our family is each generation – sort of like a measuring stick… However, I feel that I have an advantage now over the precious JC-es… This is the age of the internet. I use facebook and other sites to daily apply what has been passed on to me and what I feel should also be added to suit the times. Social Media is potent.”

His Grandpa’s (J.C. Jr.’s) family came to Robstown during the early pioneering days. His Grandfather’s dad – J. Cruz Gonzalez Sr. -- first came to Robstown to work in the building of the railroad.

J.C. (III)’s mom said: “I had to give my son some room to be creative. He is a good family man.

“I feel that the name I have J.C. is a reminder to me that there is a higher cause involved than me. I have learned to summon the spiritual energy that I need when I feel trapped. If there is a wall in front of me, I will not give up – my family before me didn’t either. I will go over that wall, under it, around it: life is a journey of continus flowering and continous extension. I thank God for this survival culture and roots he has given me,” he concluded.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today LATINOS/MEXICANS called "THUGS, MURDERERS, and PIMPS" who live in an "ARM-PIT HOLE" -- by Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development's PAM LAGO'S husband -- that is, Jim Lago. Jim Lago transmits his radio talk show via KKTX 1360 AM. His wife, PAM (manager/SPECIAL EVENTS for the CCEDC) is now tagged as being associated with an "anti-LATINO" business environment. Many feel that it would be almost impossible for her to continue in the “tax-payer funded” post. Why?

One of the major goals of the CCREDC is to both maintain and attract businesses and industry to South Texas. One of the CCREDC's international goals is to promote a positive and close-knit relationship with Mexico and Latin-America. CCREDC’s Pam Lago’s salary comes a result of various entities of government in Nueces County (and from contributions from surrounding cities such as Robstown, Kingsville, Alice etc.) as well as from corporations. Ms. Lago’s role is to be the face, voice, and envoy for the region while acting as the manager for CCREDC’s “Special Events.” Her job description requires her to deal both with national and international businesses in the region.

Her husband (who has been described by civil rights groups as having a reputation hardly ever speaking positively of anything associated with Latinos or their culture) spewed out chauvinism and spiteful prejudice and unforgiving generalizations aimed at Latinos and Mexico while attempting to discuss in the air the visit of the noted Mexican President Felipe Calderon to the USA.

Jim Lago added on KKTV Radio this morning: "They (Latinos/Mexicans) are a bunch of THUGS, PIMPS, AND MURDERERS." Yet, his wife's salary -- to iterate -- comes from tax dollars (whom a very large portion are comprised of Latinos) and some from corporate memberships (who have a “strict” policy against ethnic labeling by any of their agents) are tighly linked to this industry. Jim Lago's abhorrent statements have shocked many involved with the tourism and business industry in Corpus Christi and region. A few city councilpersons, port commissioners, and County Commisisoners interviewed feel that Ms. Lago should consider stepping down – or that Governmental entities begin to seriously take steps to halt funding to the CCREDC.

As a Nueces County administrator put it: "Ms. Pam Lago's image, even though she might not share her husband's abbertant view of the world, has poisoned and de-optimized our veracity along with our chances to operate effectively in drawing in and maintaining business, toursism and general commerce.

One of the main guests in Lago’s program this morning was Nueces Commissioner Mike Pusley. During the show, Commissioner Pusley added a caustic reinforcement to Lago's reckless battering at the outset. Pusley opined: "The President of Mexico stood there and bad-mouthed the USA. They (?) come here telling us what to do."

Pusley seemed to have validated the normative code. Lago, immediately after, went on a horrid tangent saying that even ex-President George "Jorge" Bush didn't do anything to stop illegal immigration. “Jorge” – this was used to imply Bush was a “Latino/Mexican” lover. Soon after, Commissioner Pusley seemed to have become a tad paranoid.

It is conjectured that Commisioner Pusley felt Lago's discussion had gone beyond the bounds of civility. Pusley, realizing he was before a live audience, began to trouble-shoot and trying to thin out his previous statements about Latinos/Mexico: "Yeah, my wife and I go to Mexico all the time. They are a great people."

But Lago was already in full throttle, darting ferociously forward: "They have human slaves. They take turns burning over cars. President Obama allows this? They are a THIRD WORLD ARMPIT HOLE. They just come in and talk bad of the United States. These people don't know who they are fooling with. They are fooling with the wrong folks. We have a tendency to shoot back.”

To recap: violence against Mexico and Latinos had been implied – whether it was meant in a vindictive way or not, Pusley’s voice sank as if revealing what was occurring in the citadels of his mind. A huge gaffe and slip-up of great dimensions had been committed. Had Pusley at that moment become an assesory before and after the fact?

Lago added: "We are very generous to them with support (implying, entitlement programs etc.).”

During the show a Latino called in and stated evenly: "You say this about us (Mexicans and Latinos). What would you say if we started giving you the same treatment by calling you names?"

Lago iterated his sentiments: "They are a bunch of thugs, pimps and murderers. As far as Mexico, it is the KIDNAPPING CAPITAL OF THE WORLD."

After the show, this publication communicated with a few officials and heads of businesses involved with the City of Corpus Economic Develepment and its affiliated projects. The response: "Mexican President Calderon has a master's degree in economics and a Master of Public Administration which he earned just ten years ago from the prestigious John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He opposes euthenasia and abortion and gay-marriage. He believes in privitization and an avid proponent of free enterprise - i.e., market control of the economy. It is quite disturbing to have the husband of the person that is directly in charge of 'Special Events’ and 'functions’ directly affecting the changes that we have to reel in new businesss."

Another official interviewed by this publication extended: "Here locally our tourism andd business take in thousands and thousands of dollars annually. If the public continues to get wind of this, we are doomed. We need the head of the county - COUNTY JUDGE LOYD NEAL to ask the CCREDC for Ms. Lago to step down or immedially pull out of having any association with the CCREDC… As for County Commissioner Mike Pusley (being present), he should appologize for the rash statements he also made on the talk program hosted by Jim Lago.”

Buy many officials claim that County Loyd Neal is part of the notorious NETWORK FOR PROFIT connection in Nueces County. “He is about self-service, not public service by being affiliated with the CCREDC. It is a clique of government-business connection. It is about how they can use your tax-dollars to make a profit. The CCREDC has failed even to produce more than one-percent of job growth in the region. It has been a miserable failure; yet they get over a million dollars in funding from the City of Corpus Christi and the Port and the Type A board,” a member of the Type A board shared the insight. He continued: “Calling Latinos here in the U.S.A. or Mexico thugs, pimps, murders, anchor babies has to stop immediately. I personally feel that what Jim Lago did this morning on radio cannot be 'undone'... since his wife is in a 'top' post and funded by our citizens' dollars.’"

Records show that County Judge Loyd Neal in the last few years reactivated an alliance and partnership with the CCREDC, after previous judges such as Richard Borchard and Terry Shamsie had pulled out from it -- realizing the poor grade the CCREDC had in both bringing in or maintaining jobs, businesses and industry. The CCREDC has been dominated by an “elite” group of businessmen and politicians that want seem to want to maintain a monopoly on the contracts of both local government and non-profit entities. Critics charge that the core group of the CCREDC is historically catenated with County Judge Neal since he was mayor of Corpus Christi.


To watch President Calderons address to a joint session of Congress, click here.

WASHINGTON--U.S. Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) today released the following statement after the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, addressed a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill:

“This morning, President Calderon addressed Members of Congress of both the House and the Senate and shared concerns of Mexicos current state of affairs. During President Calderons address to Congress, he spoke about the violence along the U.S.-Mexico border, the war on organized criminal activity, the countrys economic state, the dynamics of trade between both countries, current immigration policies in the United States and the strong ties Mexico and the United States have.

“I stand by President Calderon as we work to better the social and economic interests of Mexico and the United States. During his address today, President Calderon said he wants North America to be one of the strongest and most prosperous regions of the world. I too share that vision and goal.

“In December 2009, Congressman Luis Gutierrez and I introduced a comprehensive immigration reform plan that is a step in the right direction for this country.

“Through this bill we would ensure our borders are safe and secure while making certain millions of people who live in this country have access to a path to residency and citizenship.

“Undocumented immigrants currently living in this country would have to register with the government, pay all taxes, pay a $500 fine, submit to thorough criminal and security background checks, learn English and U.S. civics to be considered for a six year conditional visa. After the six year period, those people living here with a visa are eligible to apply for residency. This bill would allow millions of people living in this country the right to integrate into this society.

“We need a system that is tough on enforcement, fair to taxpayers, and our workforce. A new system that ends exploitation and abuses that are everywhere in our current system and I know this plan does that.

"This year marks the final year of the three-year Merida Initiative, and the U.S. Congress and President Obamas administration are working closely, together with counterparts in Mexico, to develop the next phase of assistance.

“As I have emphasized, the new assistance package to Mexico must encompass investments in four critical areas: 1) assistance to help Mexico continue to disrupt the organizational capacity of the drug cartels; 2) efforts to strengthen Mexico's institutional capacity to enforce the rule of law, particularly with respect to the judicial process; 3) investments in 21st century technologies and initiatives at our ports of entry that strengthen security while supporting vibrant cross-border trade and commerce and; 4) investments in social and economic development initiatives for local communities ravaged by violence and efforts to curb drug demand.

“I am committed to these causes and reiterate my support to President Calderon, his administration and the people of Mexico.”

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Anna Maria Jimenez Chosen By Republican Precinct Chairs to be their Candidate for District Attorney

Nueces County, TX -- Last night Anna Maria Jimenez was chose by the majority of the precinct chairs of the Republican Party to be the candidate for Nueces County District Attorney in the special election in November. Jimenez was chosen over James Sales (who has also worked for the District Attorney’s office). The chairs made their decision after listening to the two latter persons overall views and rationale for seeking office. “They were passionate speeches; strongly charged,” an insider reported.

Jimenez, despite the fact that some within the Republican Party and withing the DA's office tried to target her and put her in a negative light, received the support of twenty-six precinct chairs; Sales, sixteen. Jimenez, who was appointed by Governor Rick Perry as an interim a few months ago. However, her “reorganization” of the department did cause a stir. An ex-exployee, Sandra Eastwood, did use alot of her media connections to make Jimenez seem like a RINO (Republican In Name Only). But Ms. Eastwood over did it and thus cloyed the effectiveness of her ruse.

Jimenez was appointed after Carlos Valdez left to work for the City of Corpus Christi.

Jimenez, who has considerable connections to prominent Democratic groups, will run as a Rebpublican Candiate against the Democratic Candidate. She maintains that she is a conservative and a fiscal conservative as well as continue to be tough on crime. Many pragmatic Republicans see her as the elemental "chip" to open a floodgate that will attract upperly mobile and ambitious Latinos with conservative values and ideas into the party.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Taft, TX (Tuesday, May 18, 2010) -- Homer Villarreal (founder of El Defenzor newspaper) and Andrew Hall (a Taft resident who distributes the same paper) were found guilty of violating ordinance # 836 – an ordinance passed by the Taft City Council targeting EL DEFENZOR newspaper (a free publication) from being distributed in yards of residents (nor being delivered door-to-door in certain homes that appear in a newly created “no visitors’ list” that is posted in city hall).

What is ordinance #836? A city ordinance that prohibits the free newspapers (e.g., such as El Defenzor) to be thrown in yards. The ordinance only allows subscription newspapers (e.g., the Corpus Christi Caller-times and the local Taft Tribute newspapers that right - the ones you pay for) to be distributed. The ordinance also created a "no visitors' list".

The staff of El Defenzor, under the ordinance, is allowed to visit homes to ask resident if they want an edition of their newspaper only 30 minutes after the sun comes out; until 30 minutes before it gets dark. They cannot leave a newspaper on the yard nor the home. To iterate, it cannot visit residences that appear in the "No Visitor's list."

How did this ordinance come about? It was passed after El Defenzor wrote a critical article of the political tenure of Mayor Bobby Vega's eight months in office. El Defenzor pointed out how removed the platform under which the mayor ran was from the actions he had taken. The article also questioned the past ethical behavior of "Sid" Arismendez, the new city attorney... Soon after the article appeared, the mayor instructed Arismendez to craft an ordinance (which for the most part targeted El Defenzor). Soon after the ordinance was voted on and adopted by the authority of the Mayor and two city councilmen (a majority). Mr. Homer Villarreal, the founder of El Defenzor a few days after challenged the ordinance by throwing a newspaper in the mayor's yard. He was ticketed for violating the mentioned ordinance. He was also given a warning citation for trespassing on the yard of the mayor's residence.

They were both (Villarreal and Hall) represented by Attorney Mark Di Carlo – who did a luminous job: pointing out immediately that a copy of the “newspaper” had not been entered into evidence by the prosecutor (and thus had no legal basis to proceed with the trial). The two cited individuals (Villarreal and Hall) were tried in separate bench trials. [Note: A “bench trial” is when the verdit of “guilt” or “innocence” is left up to the judge to make and not a jury].

Villarreal was fined $500; Hall, $250. Villarreal was fined for throwing a paper in the yard of Mayor Bobby Vega’s home. Hall was fined for attempting to deliver a paper to two residential homes that appeared in a “no visitors’ list” (mentioned in the ordinance). Hall had at the outset been given two tickets (or citations) for being in violation of Ordinance #836 as mentioned – but in court one of the tickets had to be dropped because one of his accusers failed to show up to the hearing. However, the other remaining citation, was tried in court. A Ms. O’Grady (an intimate friend of the Mayor’s) accused Hall (about a month after the ordinance was passed) of attempting to deliver a paper to her home (she claimed her signature appeared in a written request to place her in the “no visitor’s list).

Ms. O’Grady said she first saw Hall talking to her neighbor’s when the incident occurred. “I noticed him when I stared out the window of the living room. Hall’s attorney asked: “How did you know a paper was going to be delivered to your home?” She responded: “I know the newspaper; I’ve seen it before.”

Hall’s attorney: “Are you familiar with the newspaper?”

O’Grady: “Yes.”

Hall’s attorney: “Do you think you can provide an accurate, unbias opinion of the paper here in court today?”

O’Grady: “Yes.”

Hall’s Attorney: “So when you saw Mr. Hall from the window of you living room, you had problems with the paper being delivered to your house?”

O’Grady: “Yes. I signed to be included in the ‘No Visitors’ List.’”

Hall’s Attorney: “So you do have a bias and a bad impression of the newspaper?”

O’Grady: “Yes, I’ve seen the paper. I think it is not a newspaper, but (staring at Mayor Vega) more of a tabloid.”

Hall’s Attorney: “What makes you say that?”

O’Grady: “About four years ago my ex-boyfriend was mentioned in one of the articles (in a negative light).”

Hall’s Attorney: “Oh, so seeing you ex-boyfriend in an article made you get a bad impression of the paper?”

O’Grady: “Yes.”

Hall’s Attorney: “So where were you when Mr. Hall approached you?”

O’Grady: “By then, I was in the backyard with the phone in my hall. I called 911 immediately.”

Hall’s Attorney: “No more your honor.”

After Hall was found guilty by Judge Carmen Herrera, Attorney Di Carlo, who had done a superb, sort of compromisingly asked the judge to lower Mr. Hall’s fine from $500 to about $100. “Your honor, he is a man of modest means your honor and he does not get paid for delivering the paper.” The judge, sensing the weak case that the acting prosecutor had presented against Mr. Hall, agreed to lower the fine to $250.

[Initial note: EL After Hall’s hearing. Homer Villarreal’s took place. It proceeded.

Villarreal’s attorney claimed ordinance #836 was did not apply to El Defenzor because it was not “a flyer, handout nor was the paper considered a canvassor.”

Prosecutor Armendariz argued that he had superbly crafted the ordinance to make sure it included a newspaper. Di Carlo were into detail defining the role of a newspaper as opposed to a commericial endeavor – pointing out the publication was free and that no donations were solicited and that it did not even have any advertisement from San Patriocio businesses or persons.

Mr. Vilarreal said his objective of serving the area was to serve the community by giving them another perspective. He pointed out that he felt he was “innocent” yet he had throw a paper in the mayor’s yard as a symbolic challenge to the ordinance.

The mayor's wife was called to the stand. She exaggerated her claim. She said Villarreal stepped on her yard and threw a newspaper and knocked on her door and so forth". For the record, local media that was present on that momentous day, have pointed out that he never stepped on the yard and threw the paper from the street. A television reporter stated during one of his reports that it was he and he alone that knocked on the Vega home. "I told Sid Almendarez that: yet I have never been issued a citation for tress passing or being in violation of the ordinance."

As the judge found him guilty. Mayor Vega in the back jerked his arm as if saying: “Yes! We got him,” one observer shared. has ten days to appeal the decision of the Taft Municipal Court. An Appeal Bond of $1500 will have to be covered - twice the amount of the total citations.]

Saturday, May 15, 2010



By Extremist Hate Group?


Nueces County, Texas – The Republican Party in the county has a new Republcian Chair – Ron McLain. McLain is associated with the South Texans For Liberty (STFL) group where his wife, Amy McLain, serves as “sub-organizer” of the group. The new Republican chair is an attorney and works for the Thomas J. Henry Law Firm.

Who is both the main organizer and founder of SOUTH TEXANS FOR LIBERTY?

A man by the name of Chuck Burnett (from Corpus Christi, Texas) that sits on the STEERING COMMITTEE of the CORPUS CHRISTI TEA PARY group. SOUTH TEXANS FOR LIBERTY, thus, not only decides on the setting and the “behind-the-scenes” pact of the local core leadership of the TEA PARTY RALLIES, but is also a front group for an extremist organization known as the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY (JBS). The JBS is an organization that was founded in the late 1950s by Robert Welsh that opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and was in opposition to the desegregation of public facilities such as restaurants and schools. The John Birch Society has been tagged a HATE GROUP by several enties of Government since its foundation. The late Edgar Hoover, former FBI director investigated it alertly and concluded it was a politically charged “lunatic fringe” and considered it a threat to the nation after it claimed the U.S. Pentagon was a co-conspirator with the Communist Party to install a “New World Order.” Even President Dwight Eisenhower was classified as a “Communist Conspirator” by the JBS. And now that it has been resurrected in Nueces County, Texas. The Southern Poverty Law Center and even Homeland Security has tagged the JBS as a “lunatic fringe” of extremist idiology operating in the confines of U.S. Society with “anti-government” proclivities. The JBS has a history of bankrolling neo-Nazi organizations in many ventures, according to Government documents.

Corpus Christi’s Burnett -- who has a quote on his FACEBOOK PAGE that reads: “The South Will Rise Again To Its Full Glory” -- is trying to resurrect this JBS HATE GROUP. Futhermore, Burnett is the local recruiter and chapter president of the JBS in the region. Why then did he form SOUTH TEXANS FOR LIBERTY? To echo the words of a JBS national member: “The fish are biting!” The Liberty Movement craze has become a perfect vehicle to cloak and to “trojan horse” the JBS – as well as many other extremist organizations and rogue militias. In fact, most SOUTH TEXANS FOR LIBERTY meetings are held at Jason’s Deli in Corpus Christi. Before, during and after the meeting, attendees are encouraged to enroll formally into the JBS. Their pitch/hook? “End the FED” (i.e., the Federal Reserve – it was the JBS founder’s anathema ). The JBS engage in society called "Cell Segregation" (in which new recruits are isolated and subjected to audio/video propaganda so as to isolate them from critical opinions of their format). Once the members agree to John Welch's basic agenda of "End The FED" and precluding a "New World Order", then and only then, they are welcomed into a new rung of acceptance.

But the story gets even more wacky and out of the ordinary: Burnett is also the local chapter president of the CONSTITUTION PARTY OF TEXAS (CPOT), a political third party – the alarming contridiction is that Amy McLain (the FIRST LADY of the Nueces County Republican Party) is his “right hand” (or sub-organizer) - along with Donna McClure. Burnett is the contact person for the JBS and CPOT in Nueces County, San Patricio, Jim Wells and a few others. In fact, Burnett is listed as a candidate for Lietenant Governor of Texas under the (CPOT).

The platform of the CONSTITUTION PARTY OF TEXAS (CPOT) does not differ that much from the John Birch Society’s. The national leader of Constitution Party -- Chuck Baldwin (which appears on Amy McLain's Facebook Page) -- claims the SOUTH was right in the civil war and that the infamous 911 incident was perpetuated by ZIONISTS. Baldwin says his admires Timothy McVey perpetuator of the Oklahoma Bombing and Andrew Joseph Stack, III, who few his small plane into an IRS Federal Building in Texas (because he had a madding grudge with the tax people)... Balwin's son -- Timothy (no pun intended) -- who is an attorney in Florida is preparing a primer/manual on how "patriots" in Texas and other states can legally attempt to separate from the Union.

In short, they (CPOT/JBS) want to do away with the Department of Education (because they perceive it as a socialist institution that has created socio-economic mobility for minorities and other groups they have had qualms and blame them for many of the problems in society). They want to do away with Civil Rights Act of 1964 (when it was first passed the JBS posted billboards and flyers all over the country that read: “IMPEACH EARL WARREN” – who was the Supreme Court Justice that ruled in favor of the act). The JBS in one of ther fliers claimed Justice Warren, by ruling in favor of the Act, was contributing to the “mongrelization of the white race.” Is is about state rights or "thinly veiled" bigotry and against disenfranchasing against certain groups in U.S. Society? - this question has been asked repeatedly.

The Department of Energy, the Federal Reserve, the IRS, membership in the United Nations, “Hate Group” labeling by the government – these are other things they want to phase out. Why? “Because they are part of a NEW WORLD ORDER/GLOBALIST AGENDA.” As one non-STFL Republican put it: "When trying to hold a conversation with them, one does have to spend sometime in 'tin-foil' territory."

To make a long story short. The county has a new Republican Chair – Ron McLain (who he himself and his wife have been mentored by Burnett in socio-political matters). In fact McLain has appointed some of the members of Burnett’s "politically incorrect" network to the committees within the party.

A member of STFL told this publication: "The 'Establishment' Republicans In this county can be summed up in on word: cronyism (pure and simple). Two-Thirds of them are steeple. The only way this party will change completely is when they all die."

Burnett now is on the warpath claiming the NUECES COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY is corrupt. He claims to have abundant proof. He is in the process of passing out forms/documents, via his facebook page (and via email and hardcopies), by way of his "minions" to make his point. A few in Republican Party are surrendering to Burnett’s pressure and peculiarities. He is pointing out that many a member in the Republican party that have been appointed to attend conferences and other committees and even as candidates are not “conservative enough” to be in the party. The disparaging term RINO (Republican In Name Only) is used. A whole crazy-quilt of persons have been highlighted in one of his FACEBOOK pages (e.g., SOUTH TEXANS FOR LIBERTY).

He claims he is not a ‘wild-eye” conspirator nor a racist. Yet his savage criticism and inane conspiratorial plots have disenchanted many a Latino/Latina (and other more balanced and urbane members of the Republican Party). Two Latinas – Anna Maria Jimenez (who was appointed as interim District Attorney by the Governor in mid-March of this year) and Angelica Hernandez (who is a canidate running for District Judge against incumbent democrat Judge Manuel Banales) – have been targeted via the STFL’s “Negative Document Release” strategy.

In the last few weeks negative documents were released to the media in reference to Interim District Attorney Jimenez by disenchanted Caucasian females who worked in the District Attorney’s Office. Ms. Jimenez, who started working for the DA’s Office three years ago, was appointed to the top post after Carlos Valdez left to work for the City of Corpus Christi. Before that juncture, Valdez seemed to have provided a blanket of security, pitching the catchphrase: “Your day will come” to the staff.

But once Jimenez was placed as “interim” the “cold reality” set in and spread to the various tiers of the organization. Sandra Eastwood, a disgruntled employee (who had been working alongside Jimenez prosecuting child molestation cases), suddenly clashed with the “interim” DA and henceforth was demoted/fired: it gets exceedingly bewildering. Ms. Eastwood appeared in various conservative radio talk shows and even used her other media contacts to basically label the new Latina Interim District Attorney as being inexperienced and having a low threshold of tolerance and ethical fiber, inferring Jimenez is a token head. Ms. Eastwood made it seem (especially in conservative Talk Radio) as if she was the victim of the RINOization and multi-culturalization and the Browning of the Republican Party. Such accusations disconcerted many established Republicans.

Hitherto, even the Corpus Christi Caller-Times ran a story based on gossip and innuendo; it’s headline read: ““DA launches investigation, fires prosecutor”. Yet no one media entity pointed out the bona fide reasons and even hinted at the extensive documentation that existed on Ms. Eastwood. Even during Valdez’ tenure (while trying the Benjamin Curcuru Case dealing with sexual assault of a child), she ran into difficulties – why? Ms. Eastwood was dating, at the time, a convicted child molestor. She had also been accused by an expert witness in court and also by the attorney for Mr. Curcuru of attempting to try the case before the media first. And the prevaling mood did not change when Ms. Jimenez was installed as DA.

Other events have been set in motion. Former Chief Prosecutor Gail Gleimer Loeb and forfeiture case Prosecutor Jason M. Jett have both resigned in view of the fact that Jimenez announced a reorganization at the DA’s Office. Loeb, also a disgruntled employee, who worked there for almost 18 years, resigned instead of taking a re-assignment. Ms. Loeb’s pay was cut by one-fourth. A chain reaction had been set in motion charged with all the bitterness of an intradepartmental miff. Various accusations were hurled back and forth from contending parties. Even Mark Skurka, who is running for the post as a Democrat in November, was demoted from his post as Chief Prosecutor.

Some of the core squad of South Texans for Liberty (STFL) are too radicalized and have been urged to contact Texas Governor Rick Perry (or to contact their precinct chair to get in touch with the the governor) to replace Ms. Jimenez with a quote “non-Rino” – e.g., James Sales. “Who is more in sink with our beliefs and values” – as one STFL member wrote on his social media/internet page. "Didn't his ex-wife accuse Sales of sexual deviancy and moral impropriety some years back? Or was that matter fully resolved?" -- a non-STFL member countered.

Despite the tug-of-war, some of the traditional non-STFL mainstream Republicans have affirmed to El Defenzor that Jimenez will bring is the elemental “chip” that the Republican Party needs in the county to boost it’s numbers with incoming ambitious Latinos. County Commissioner Mike Pusley has been supportive of Jimenez’ reorganization. Even Latinos within the Repubican Party have pointed out that such disagreements arise with any “reorganization” of any office. One stated: “If a Caucasian female would have been appointed interim District Attorney, many a Latina might have been up in arms. It is the nature of the staff of such an office to feel betrayed especially if they have been demoted or superceded by someone else. One feels like an old razor blade being replaced. 'Suck it up!' - this I state daily to show we all have to experience growing pains and hardship.”

But other members of the STFL have launched a new-fangled campaign to prove there are other RINOS. The target: Angelica Hernandez (a Latina candidate for District Judge). Documents are being put out by this radicalized wing of the Republican Party sneering at the values of Ms. Hernandez. A check for insufficient funds that Ms. Hernandez wrote back when she was in law school is being passed around. Memebers of STFL are also pointing out that Ms. Hernandez ran as a Democrat for a similar office a few years past.

Ms. Hernandez has described herself as a conservative without fail: even when she was a Democrat. She is pro-family and a fiscal conservative. She has earned the respect of many regional top and time-honored Republicans of the region such as Mike Scott and others. Ms. Hernandez told this publication: "I should not be judged by one transgression in my life - Some can subject me to many indignities, but the Lord above knows I am on the path of righteousness."

It seems to be an identifiable phase, a phase of an interlude of shift and undulation and conflict-resolution for the Republican Party in the region. The more the pragmatists want the party to endure (and be able to talk about its historic tenures), the more it has to be representative of the demographics. Jimenez and Hernandez – these two Latinas are perceived as envoys of a new chapter by the realists within the Republican Party; however, the ebb and flow of a consistent schema by the party has been disrupted by what some well-known and long-standing Republicans call “STFL radical infiltrators”. “STFL Radical infiltrators” that call Governor Perry and National Figure, Sarah Palan, “Globalists” who are promoting a “New World Order.” As one long-standing Republican called: “STFL John Bircher-type radicals who cannot stand seeing an ethnic minority as President or in any other office.”

Saturday, May 8, 2010


[QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “If they (Latinos) don’t like the AMERICAN FLAG they can get on their donkeys and ride South”… MIKE SCHULTZ , Facebook … HOW DOES THE CINCO DE MAYO = NOT LIKING AMERICAN FLAG?”]

Nueces County, Texas – First the ARIZONA LATINO PROFILING LAW, now EL CINCO DE MAYO (Latino cultural celebration) attacked – why? Is the “first bullet” to start an ethnic civil war in Texas and fuel “anti-immigrant” sentiments as a red herring to push for a TEXAS LATINO PROFILING LAW or is it subconsciously an echo from the past: “REMEMBER THE ALAMO” ??? Is it a strategy to open “old wounds of pain” so it serves a political scheme? Of course.

One Nueces County Republican writes in Facebook: “Exposing Anna Maria Jimenez, the interim Nueces County District Attorney appointed by Governor Perry, as a RINO and incompetent, was our way of defeating the anti-American celebration of the Cinco De Mayo celebration. She represents what we want to get rid off and replaced. We need Governor Perry to appoint one of us, James Sales.”

There is a new phase of the ANTI-LATINO MOVEMENT that is occurring nationally and being executed by the CONSERVATIVE “lunatic fringe” of the Republican Party (especially in the Southwestern part of U.S. Society). Now, this Conservative “lunatic fringe” via their vituperative “marketing” spin-doctors and their preemptive attacks via “hired gun” radio stations are trying to polarize Caucasians against LATINOS in TEXAS. They are resurrecting old “hate” organizations such as the “John Birch Society” (via the well-funded Tea Party structures by elite conservative groups and “think tanks”) that champion “state rights”. The movement of the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY was used effectively in years part to oppose the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and resist racial desegregation of public facilities during those years, i.e., especially in the late 1950s and 1960s. What is the modus operandi of this new attack-plan?

In TEXAS the cultural observance of EL CINCO DE MAYO is of special significance. “It can be used to ‘reap the heart open’ of the Mexican-Latino,” one fanatic has vociferated. EL CINCO DE MAYO (May 5, 1862) is not a celebration of Mexico’s Independence; it is no more than anything else celebrating the bravery of Mexican-Latinos in this historic battle, a battle that kept the spirit high of Mexican-Latinos over the years. The May 5 battle was a physical-military and psychological victory over the attempted conquest by one of the most powerful armies in the world (at the time): the French Army. Mexico won this battle in the city of Puebla, Mexico; however later the Mexican nation was overtaken by French – the ruler of France at the time was Napoleon III. The French used an attempt to collect a debt from Mexico as an ulterior motive to invade it and take it over.

What function could this cultural observance of EL CINCO DE MAYO have in the United States in 2010? These Conservative STRATEGISTS (within the Republican Party) it appears have chosen El Cinco De Mayo to purposely fuel ethnic animosity to be able to attempt to pass another Arizona-type Latino Profiling Law in Texas under the pretext of attempting to curb “illegal” immigration. This racially charged method fuels the ANTI-LATINO SENTIMENTS (Xenophobia or better phrased “LATINOPHOBIA”) in the U.S. Society. For a detail explanation read below.

What is the historical significance of El Cinco De Mayo? It was an initial battle (not the war) won by a Mexican/Tejano militia in 1862 against the French Army (an army considered the most powerful in the world at the time). This militia was outnumbered by the French Army yet it was triumphant at this particular battle on May 5, 1862 (barely, but nonetheless triumphant) and was led by a TEJANO, General Ignacio Zaragoza from Goliad, Texas. The French eventually took control of Mexico and removed Benito Juarez (a Native American) as President of Mexico. Later, Maximilian and his wife Carlotta (both from Austria) were installed as the emperor and empress of Mexico – from 1864 to 1867. This battle was a tremendous psychological victory for Mexicans, and especially U.S. Tejanos (Texans) as well. Even to this day, not all states in Mexico celebrate this victory as profusely as Texas.

U.S. President Abraham Lincoln supported the battle against the French at Puebla, but was unable to commit American resources and troops because it was engaged in the civil war. Yet, Lincoln urged on General Zaragoza to do his enchanted magic in this confrontation. Why? Lincoln knew that if Mexico was conquered then the U.S. might soon follow (in that the country had depleted its resources in a civil war and was too ideologically divided).

The modern-day extremist Conservative ‘Lunatic Fringe” of the Republican Party wants to destroy the collective identity of Mexican-Latinos in the U.S. (it is like a new form of colonialization, not military but socio-psychological taking place. Historically similar methods have been used against Blacks and Native Americans and other groups). They want Latinos to feel embarrassed about the culture. It is being falsely associated (via twisted logic) with “anti-American” allegiances).

A radio station offered listeners their “own personal Mexican” as the winning prize for a Cinco de Mayo contest. The radio disc jockey announced that, “Members of the station and their families are not eligible to own Mexicans—bathing and delousing of Mexicans is a winner’s responsibility. The station assumes no responsibility for infectious diseases carried by Mexicans.”

The ultimate aim of this socio-psychological colonialization-type tactic is to break their spirit – i.e., both implicitly and explicitly – of Latinos. The aim is to make Latinos feel inferior, stupid, lazy, and unpatriotic. During the CINCO DE MAYO Celebration it was used to encourage young High School Caucasian students to take down any symbols of such pride - symbols at the corazon (heart) of young Latinos. In some high schools and colleges students showed up dressed in clothing embellished with the American flag and highly patriotic symbols to overshadow the perennial attention given to token symbolism given to the CINCO DE MAYO observance – i.e., Mexican Dresses, Mexican sombreros, the Mexican Flag and so forth. Talk Radio stations (part of this “Lunatic fringe” machinery) egged on conflict. THE MICHAEL BERRY SHOW promoted such a divisive and anti-Latino show, egging on the cited defiance. It reported that a local Caucasian high school student had been suspended for removing a MEXICAN Flag from the hall area of a school (this incident occurred at Klein Collins High School). However, he failed to note that the Mexican Flag was not just removed but defaced as if a warning to young Latinos.

However, after the incident, THE MICHAEL BERRY SHOW reported their own intellectually dishonest spin on their website: “The school pitched a fit, reviewed the surveillance tapes, found the student, and suspended him for three days. AND he has to pay for the flag. In light of the SF story of students sent home for wearing the AMERICAN flag because it offended the Hispanic students, I thought you’d like to know about a story closer to home."

El Defenzor spoke to top administrative staff at Klein Collins High School. The staff informed our publications that rumors were falsely promoted on conservative radio and by other means to upset caucasian parents that the school administrative staff had placed a Mexican Flag above the American Flag on a pole outside Klein Collins High School. Other parents were disingenuously notified that the American Flag was flying upside down. Due to the prevarications some of the staff was threatened. “There were daily rumors and false conspiracies used by radio pundits to promote a negative agenda among students. This defeats the goals of the public schools,” a top administrator explained. "This false info places our Latino students and some of the staff in danger both in and out of school. They are trying to make us look as if we are guilty of treason."

To read the Klein Collins’ statement dispelling such fiddly and deceitful myths visit:

One question has been asked repeatedly: “Why are young Caucasian children being urged (even by their own parents) to promote such symbolisticconfrontations?” One imminent professor of social science at Texas A&M stated: “Surely not to positively move this nation forward, but to send off subtle, divisive messages, such as ‘Hey Latino, you are not ‘American enough’ and other messages, such as “I am showing blatant disrespect for your heritage and historic contribution – do you want to do something about it? It will just give me some media coverage!”

Another part of the plan is to take away young voters away from supporting Obama in the subsequent presidential campaign and away from Democrats in the election in November. Obama was elected as a result of the turnout by this latter group. On the other side of the fence, the “Lunatic Fringe” of the Conservative movement is trying to phase out “liberalism” of the young (e.g., those Caucasians that are sensitive and open to a pluralistic society) and tolerant and conscientious of the needs of other ethnic groups. They blame the democratic, egalitarian and multicultural view of the American Public School system for this result. They (e.g., Eugenicist/anti-Immigrant crusader, Dr. John Tanton have translated a controversial book, THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS, written by a French writer, Jean Raspail, into English. It is being used as a “bible” by many in the core leadership to “architect” the course of their movement. The cited book is reviled in Europe in most circles and is considered bigoted, ghastly and xenophobic. It is a fictional story of a “dark completed” people (from India) that arrive in boatloads in France and Europe; they eventually plunder it - according to the author, tainting the gene pool of White Society.

Dr. JOHN TANTON (who is bankrolling the Anti-Immigrant, anti-Latino movement in Arizona, Texas and California and other states)– writes in one of his articles on the U.S. CONSTITUTION: “It's A Document Based on Bond of Blood & Ethnicity”. “Nations and their cultures,” he has suggested on numerous occasions, “are largely determined by biology — race.” In a Nov. 13, 1994, letter to white nationalist columnist Lawrence Auster, a regular correspondent, Tanton suggested that the Declaration of Independence was actually a document based on the "bond of blood and ethnicity — nationhood." Almost a year earlier, in a Dec. 10, 1993, letter to Garrett Hardin, a controversial ecology professor, he said: "I've come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that." On Jan. 26, 1996, he wrote Roy Beck, head of the immigration restrictionist group NumbersUSA (and then an employee of Tanton's foundation U.S. Inc.), questioning whether Latinos were capable of governing California.

Dr. Tanton formed an organization known as Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR). In one of his letters to Beck, while referring to the changing demographics in California public schools, writes: “(I wonder) whether the minorities who are going to inherit California (85% of the lower-grade school children are now 'minorities' — demography is destiny) can run an advanced society?” Also,
Dr. Tanton has defended racial quotas imposed on immigrants. In a Nov. 3, 1995, memo to FAIR boss Dan Stein and the entire FAIR board of advisors (including Mr. and Mrs. Harte. the former owners of the Corpus Christi Caller-Times), defends the infamous "White Australia" policy that restricted non-white immigration into that country from 1901 to 1973. He claimed it was not “bigoted” nor ethnocentric, but sheltered native-born labor (the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act outlawed racial quotas in Australia).

It makes perfect sense: the “lunatic fringe” of the Conservative Right catenated with other interests groups involved with eugenics wants to harden and desensitize Caucasians in U.S. Society, and at the same time anneal them against racial minorities by whichever manner they can. THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS (book) – this is an elemental primer being used. They appear to be trying to remold it in such a way that it advocates a return to a fictional utopia that once was the norm in U.S. Society, a utopia governed by White Anglo Saxon Protestant values. This interpretation of the mentioned book is racially charged and the model Caucasian is seen as the phoenix, the beau ideal, the ideal breeder. Their values become superior to others; sectarianism is promoted.