Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Series on "RUNNERS" to be out this week in El Defenzor (print edition)

New print edition of El Defenzor will be out this week -- Thursday or Friday.

This edition will start a series on "RUNNERS" (persons who through unethical means obtain cases for attorneys or who sycophant to the the highest bit. It will glimpse at the network in place, a clandestine legal eco-system that will have grave consequences in the months ahead... from legal to political.

Our job at El Defenzor is provide novel investigative reporting to educate the masses of readers so that they can make better decisions that is so indispensable in our "representative" democracy.


Anonymous said...

Well it's about time. Mauricio Celis is the tip of the iceberg. Now there are these lawyers out there who have some sort of scam going for a Victim Outreach Fund and actually try to bribe people to sign on with them. Old man Edwards is not exactly a gilded Lilly but he has kept his hand out of the cookie jar a long time since Alfaro blew town. I know because, guess what? I worked for Huerta and I worked with others who ran cases and know exactly how they do it. Yes, I am Runner A. Tune in while I comment on all of this. Good work Homero and remember that these runners must be stopped and outlawed and go to jail. These people pray on the sick and the dead and their families to line their pockets. Honest lawyers don't stand a chance with the corruption and conspiracy. Someone needs to set the world around here on Fire and Old man Edwards is going to do it along with T.J. Henry. And to hell with Mauricio. He was an arrogant fool who I heard was going to get a sweet deal with Rodriguez, Shamsey (when he was a lawyer) and Ron B. Carlos back then was going to slap him on the wrist Bobby Garza style, but no Mauricio "John Gatti" Celis had to be Mr. Bigshot. And he's not the only one. The other bums who worked for Huerta would always be out telling all the pretty girls at the palace or beyond that they were lawyers and committing felonies. Any information you need I am here for you Homero! Call me in you know what city I am living now. Manda los a la madre. That means you Calderon. You should be on a bottombunk in Huntsville.

Anonymous said...

Homero: Do a radio and TV show. Pour it on!