Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hello. Now on to Politics

I want to say that in the next few postings if I may I would like to leave a political footprint in analyzing the politics that happened this year.

HOw could a white male beat a Hispanic female?
Peggy Banales as nice a lady as she is left people with a huh? when she talked and the Fair Grounds issue really made people mad, mad, mad. What did she do for the people on the West side? Not a darn thing apparently. Water under the bridge but I hope the new commissioner does not forget about Latinos on the West side and instead of like Peggy Banales who truth be told was a puppet for Robstown and went along with whatever Commissioner Betty Jean Longoria wanted but also gave Robstown (good people) a little too much from her own people As they say Candilar in la calle y escura en la casa( lighting up the neighborhood but forgetting your house). Narrow margin.

What about Hubby? I hear in the Latino pipeline he is drawing a female Hispanic. It is going to get interesting.

Judges: New Judge Shamsie. I heard he is working with kids and their parents and although has big shoes to fill is doing his best.

Repubicans: Keep banging at the door here in South Texas. Don't let them break down the door like Peggy did and screwed up the commissioners court. Hijo Le!

More to come from the Latina Pipeline.


Anonymous said...

I am listenting, but first, I disagree that it was all because Peggy Banales dropped the ball. The Republicans made an all out push including that Bertuzzi fellow and the Darth Vader Filemon Vela who pushed all of their candidates and Scott did lose against Abel (Our sympathies to Abel). It was a weird race and I think all that publicity with her husband and the 150,000 office he wanted and she paid for didn't help. Robstown was just a tip of the iceberg.


Yes, I see your point but I still think they left themselve wide open and the Republicans are going to go at it again in 2010 but will even have a harder time I think with Obama in and a Democratic controlled house. At least that keeps the conservative B.S. at bay and makes the Carl Roves and other meatheads go underground.What a bunch of rightwing chauvinists.

Anonymous said...

Nice picture Hispana...


Let's keep to the subject. LOL. Where's my pepperspray and stungun in my purse (rummaging through Fendi purse)...

Anonymous said...

It has to do with who was more QUALIFIED for the job. Being a white male or a hispanic female or if the Republicans or Democrats pushed or not should not be the issue. If anyone took the time to listen to what Pusley was saying, it all made sense.

As far as the new commissioner forgetting about people on the west side, I doubt very seriously that will happen. You see, Pusley and his wife are both from the west side, having attended Driscoll Middle School and graduating from Miller High School.

Give the new commissioner a little time and he will show you what he can do for you. He is a fair and honest man who was born and raised here and truly cares about Nueces County.

Lets stand behind him and give him the encouragement he deserves.

Anonymous said...

I support what the previous poster stated. I have already had to contact Pusley's office since he took over. They listened to my conern, answered promptly on the phone and in writing. I was impressed.... I wasn't ignored which is what happened with the previous Commissioner and staff. Kudos to Pusley's office!