to bruce.holstien@christushealth.org
Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:08 AM
to bruce.holstien@christushealth.org
Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:08 AM
My name is Homero Villarreal. I am the publisher of El Defenzor Magazine and South Side Defender. I am writing to ask for commentary on the following:
1) The alleged wrongful discharge of Mr. George Sanchez from your ER on February 8, 2009.
2) What if anything is Spohn doing in response to allegations that the poor are being discharged unstable and there is a delay in Care?
3) Is all the above a violation of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act and have any incidences been reported to Medicare or JCAHO?
4) Has nurse Jackie Warrl or her boss Linda Synder been told to tone down how they speak to the poor?
5) Has Dr. Addison been reported to the Medical Board and does he remain in the emergency room? I shall be investigating these allegations and wanted to give you and Christus Spohn Memorial the opportunity to respond
Homero Villarreal
My name is Homero Villarreal. I am the publisher of El Defenzor Magazine and South Side Defender. I am writing to ask for commentary on the following:
1) The alleged wrongful discharge of Mr. George Sanchez from your ER on February 8, 2009.
2) What if anything is Spohn doing in response to allegations that the poor are being discharged unstable and there is a delay in Care?
3) Is all the above a violation of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act and have any incidences been reported to Medicare or JCAHO?
4) Has nurse Jackie Warrl or her boss Linda Synder been told to tone down how they speak to the poor?
5) Has Dr. Addison been reported to the Medical Board and does he remain in the emergency room? I shall be investigating these allegations and wanted to give you and Christus Spohn Memorial the opportunity to respond
Homero Villarreal
Go get them. Betcha they don't answer. Spohn doesnt like for people to speak out, especially their own. But, more are speaking out. Spohn needs to clean up its act. It wants a contract to take care of the poor and fudge the numbers to get more money then at least take care of people and give them oxygen and basic medical care when they need it. Nail em HOmero. We are proud of the work you do for those less fortunate.
please, please, please.....do not stop what you're doing. we need more people with the courage to speak out. those spohn big-wigs have had no accountability for way too long. i will do everything in my power to spread the word about this blog.
don't stop homero. you are closer than you think. they are shitting their pants about delayed care in staff meetings. Ask yourself how much they can lose if they don't clean up their act. Medicare will take away the ability for them to bill so that equals hundreds of millions of dollars. the irs just hit them with huge fines for not doing taxes properly on their workers' fica. more than ever they are sweating it. they have the contract for the indigent care but they are delaying treatment and not treated people at all to save money. the care on the wards is deplorable and people have gone weeks without baths or linen being changed. oh, yes, i know where the bodies are buried and i am anonymous RN!
Anonymous RN: Why won't they do anything about the conditions in the E.R.?
Because Homero: Dr. Addison is an asshole who has contempt for the poor, Linda Snyder the director hires an all white staff except for a few token mexicans and the E.R. through her leadership think they are an institution amongst itself. Linda Snyder was heard saying that her nurse Jackie Warrl did nothing wrong in allowing Dr. Addison to sic the cop on Mr. SAnchez but all of us RN's who know what is up are saying the same thing: The ER must learn humility and that Spohn controlling Memorial was the worst thing that ever happened. Spohn puts money over patients every time. We all know of patients being delayed treatment and dying. We all know about people needing treatment so bad they ended up arrested and going into a coma or dialysis because they did exactly the same thing to George Sanchez as they do to everyone else: If you are not shot or in an autoaccident Lord help you. Get ready to not receive treatment if you have no money. Spohn needs to clean up that ER. I know. And I am,
Thank you. Where is WB1 and WB2? WE need to understand how Christus Spohn ticks and how they got the Memorial contract. One man who is an expert but cannot comment any longer is my long time sometime friend and some time political enemy Terry Shamsie. He knows where the bodies are buried with the Spohn Memorial Merger and the role Lloyd Neil and some attorney named DeWitt Alsup played. I will find out! Does everyone hear me from Memorial and Spohn?
Thanks for the comment I have attached. Please spread the word of this blog to every nurse, doctor and health care professional who will listen. Thank you. Your anonymity is protected. NURSES, DOCTORS AND OTHERS BLOG AWAY AND YOUR ANONYMOUS COMMENTS SHALL BE PRESERVED: GIVE US THE DIRT!
"please, please, please.....do not stop what you're doing. we need more people with the courage to speak out. those spohn big-wigs have had no accountability for way too long. i will do everything in my power to spread the word about this blog."
I walk in a room on one of the floors today. Patient hadn't been bathed in days, oral care nonexistent, getting a bedsore, water pitcher empty, patient defecated himself and it was crusted over, falling out of bed, moaning, confused and its broad daylight. I have worked here for over 10 years and it has gotten worse and worse. If you don't have someone in the room like a family member you are screwed. You may get turned a little bit and fed some, but if you crater you are dead. I mean it. Spohn are the biggest hypocrites in the world.Every nurse who speaks out or invokes Safe Harbor has gotten screwed. The California nurses Association came to town and a friend of mine spoke out. What happened? They disciplined her at Spohn and used something else as a pretext. They are not worth a damn. I could go on and on, but it is sad that they don't have have the aids that there were on the floor to turn, bathe, feed and groom people. Falls occur more often, treatements are not done or skipped and Spohn doesnt give a shit. You get these risk managers that come by like Nazis to make sure your story matches theres in case lawyers come around. I am glad that guy Sanchez talked to the press. About damn time. When are you coming out on Bob Jones show again. We need you on radio about this stuff. You have definitely struck a nerve. They are worried.
Thank you. I want more nurses to talk anonymously and share their bad experiences and their good. I want the whole picture of Spohn and the power it has over more than half of all the healthcare in South Texas!
A lot of this started in Beeville 3-4 yrs ago. Several long-time doctors have left, Spohn has run off many good nurses as well. The county commissioners, newspaper, economic development people, etc., don't want to put "bad news" about the deterioration of their health care in the public view because it might deter prospective companies from coming into Bee County. They only want "happy news." Never mind that the public, especially low income people who don't have transportation to go elsewhere for medical care, have suffered. It is a sad, sad thing. It used to be a great small hospital...
You ask,Why won't they do anything about conditions... The reason is, they are arrogant and think they know everything about running a hospital, more than the nurses and docs. The administrative types make the rules, not the ones who deal with actual patients...
The administrators don't give a damn about staffing or the patient. Money, the bottomline. Arrogant son of a bitches.
He won't answer you Homer. He knows that they do treat the poor like shit down in that ER. It's a damn KKK meeting down there with all the white people and the token Mexicans in the receiving area. That lady who runs ER only hires white people. Believe, Im there. I know. anonymous nurse xray tech.
Dear Mr Villarreal;
I want to start out by saying for all the comments that have been posted I believe everyone of them. I am not a lawyer. I am an upset disabled white woman who has had relatives there at Memorial and was flabbergasted by not only the violations of patients now and past but of the rights of vistitors especially with disabilities. Currently, I am in the process of filing and doing whatever I can to hopefully change the wrongs that were made on my behalf. I am an anglo woman, not KKK nor have I ever been. I have never worked there for Christus Spohn Hospital System so I have no reason to keep my mouth shut. If it takes the rest of my life to fight for the rights of all patients and/or visitors of patients at a Christus Spohn Hospital, then I will. Because as a disabled person I am no longer going to just accept what 'they' say. There are many avenues besides your blog which is very good but there is so much more I discovered that you can and should to beyond having a place for people to just gripe. If you and everyone else are interested then check out the following; JCAHO, ACLU, EEOC, MEDICAID/MEDICARE, RISK MANAGEMENT FOR CHRISTUS SPOHN HEALTH SYSTEM, your state and federal representatives to help resolve your problems. Since Christus Spohn Hospital is a 501(c)(3) organization, according to their website, they fall under IRS regulations. Having knowledge of budgets and funding the fact that this is a 501(c)(3) organization for IRS purposes, they have to use the funding in full to show a zero balance or that program will lose it's funding. However, in a big organization all the business does is move it to a different category to spend for the next year so they do not lose their funding and hope they get more for next year. If you want to know how the money is being spent especially at Memorial Hospital then get a copy of the Budget for each year in question. Look at the changes in the different account classifications then you will notice where and/or if money was moved so funding for the hospital was not lost. If you don't understand then ask why this number changed and where the money may have gone? Hopefully they will tell you. These are your tax dollars being spent and every citizen has the right to know where and how there money is being spent. If they won't provide this information then go through the Freedom of Information Act to obtain whatever information you want. There is some information of personnel that would be private but basically you can request this information. There will probably be a charge for it so be prepared for that. If you plan to sue then you had better believe that all avenues of obtaining information will be very very hard to get and may require you getting an attorney or call the ACLU. I ask you and everyone else who writes comments in that not only have Hispanics, African Americans and the poor been mistreated but myself, a disabled person and my family members who were at that hospital. There is also one other avenue to try for change if you are truly interested in it is the Department of Justice. Explain what happened and let them help you because again I am not an attorney. Lastly, if you decide to do some sort of peaceful demonstrations then know that I am with you and I will try to find you just to meet. I was raised Catholic so I believe in the mission of the Catholic Church now and always but changes and outside oversight committees are needed very very badly to stop this mistreatment mentioned not only by me but everyone who wrote in your blog. At this point, I'm going to remain anonymous but I sure hope everything I mentioned helps you and everyone else to change the wrongs that have been made. One final thing I was told by an attorney friend a long time ago is that you, if you plan to sue, can file a class action lawsuit. Remember that's how changes were made in the Education System which is another subject altogether that needs changing. Thanks for the time. AGAIN, I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY!
Do you really want to have someone chase Spohn around (as they deserve!!!)?
Complain about inappropriate care to the Joint Commission - website can accept even anonymous concerns!
The Joint Commission has to constantly prove to Congress that it should be permitted to license hospitals.
By the way, Spohn Corpus Christi has been on the verge of losing its license several times due to safety and patient care issues. Keep complaining!
The Joint Commission is the one to complain to because it is required to investigate complaints, keeps long records, has NO local political ties, and can destroy reimbursement for facilities that provide substandard care.
Don't give up! Hold them accountable for their mission "to extend the healing ministry of Jesus Christ"! Don't let them slander His name!
I've already done all I can. Good luck to the rest of you!
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