Now that Celis got off for the most part it is interesting that McCormick is not being fed any information. Strange....I guess when the shoe is on the other foot and the trial lawyers lick their wounds...Think about it brothers and sisters, not one word on the trial. Very strange...commentary please
Pos chingao, of course not. Edwards is pissed. He's going back to the drawing board...
Maybe they just don't give a damn about this lowlife Homero. honestly, you look too deep into the tea leaves sometimes. You know as we all do that McCormick is a very good reporter and is a soldier just like you in the search for truth.
You may have some truth on your side. I am not attacking Mr. McCormick at all. You misundertand me. Often I know that journalists receive tips and information but there is always a motivation behind it. I live in the real world. I am only asking for debate so I appreciate your comment. Keep them coming. hot topics my friends!
Celis is too damn arrogant to last a day in jail. he will run his mouth and get in trouble. plus he was flashing badges everywhere. you think the hardworking deputy sheriffs and jailers are not rolling their eyes having to tolerate this cop wannabe in their jail. don't expect Jim Kaelin to give him special treatment or cable tv either. he should do his 6 months as condition of probation like everyone else. if he doesnt even get that for acting like a cop and a lawyer then there is no justice. hello to mr kenedeno and thanks for coming on board. your commentary is always respected and welcome.
yes, Kenedeno has an uncanny ability to give us a great bird's eyeview. the watts analysis was spot on. preach it brother! what do you think will happen next Jaime?
I think first anonymous has it right. other trial lawyers wanted watts out of the way and mauricio was collateral damage but he's too dumb too see it. no te awitas carnal..
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